Sunday, April 19, 2009


Now lets see... I had some trouble with this one simply because it is so hideously ugly and you hate yourself for creating hugely disgusting thing. I made two versions but the first one was horrible because i attempted to just use masks to create nice interesting looking stars but they ended up just looking mangled (thanks to my wonderful drawing skills). it also had problems with timing and masking and i couldn't be bothered to go through and fix every little thing that was wrong with it so i scrapped it and started again.

I think with this i could ave gone a little more crazy as per the outline we were given... and maybe more of a running theme, like each of the sections for each appliance be kind of similar in presentation. However that might make craziness less.... so its a toss up really.

there is one little bit that annoys me so much because i didn't notice it until i rendered it out. But at the start when the "its price madness" text appears a couple of times... it starts to reappear slightly before cutting to the next product. so it only gets to about "ess" of madness before cutting. annoy me to no end.. because it looks unprofessional and bleh.

other than that i don't hate it. BUT of course I'll never be happy ith anything i do.. everything can always be better